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Agency: Turn down Advancing request notifications
Agency: Turn down Advancing request notifications

Archive old External Requests

Geertje avatar
Written by Geertje
Updated over a week ago

When using the External Advancing Requests, you will notice the notification bell in the top right ringing, and the number going up.

Archiving an External Advancing request

Click on the ringing bel to open your request.

Simply hover over the title of the request and the bin-icon will appear.

Click on it, to archive your External Advancing request. You'll get an extra notification to check if you surely want to archive it.

Click on 'View archived requests' to find old, archived requests.

Note: if you archive a request where you are not the creator, but an extra approver, the request won't be archived in your own environment.

External Bookingform requests

You might also find some External Bookingform requests here.

To delete them, check out this article.

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