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Search, filter and export your contacts from your contact database
Search, filter and export your contacts from your contact database

Search, Export, Contacts, database

Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over a week ago

Search your contacts
From the contact module you can search your contact database for specific contacts.

In the search field you can enter a name, emailaddress or a telephonenumber and run a general search. The results matching your query will show in the contactlist below.

Add a contact or export your selection
Clicking the three dots next to the search will give you two options. 

  • Create New Contact

  • Export Current Selection

Create New Contact
Click 'Create New Contact' and choose if you want to add a new contact or a company. Enter the details and click 'Add Contact' 

Export Current Selection
You can export your range of contacts to a Excel or a CSV file. Click on 'Export Current Selection'. 

Note: We have limited the number of contacts per file. So if your selection is too big you could see multiple files listed. You can download the files one by one. 

Click on each file number to download the files to your computer.

The option to export contacts will only be available for users with 'View' permissions on 'Office'.

Advanced search
If you want to narrow down your selection, you can use the 'Advanced Search' option. This will let you target specific contact fields. You can search contacts by city, country, email, etc. You can also combine search filters. 

Click on the filter icon to show your advanced contact search options.

Click on '+ Add a search term' to add new search items. You will see the following options available.

You can search contacts where:

  • Function is 'Promoter'

  • Country is 'Germany'

  • Contact Label is 'Festival' 

Click 'Search Contacts' to show your results.

You will see what search parameters are active in the search menu. 

Clear a search
To clear a search, click on the filter button or on one of the selected field. You can delete a criteria from the advanced search screen. 

Search even further!
There is an option to go all out on your searches! You can search through a relation as well. 

Click on the 'Search through a relation' button in the advanced search menu. 

You will find the following options:

Search for contacts, through one or multiple relations. 

Example: You want to book a tour in Asia and you want to target a specific group of people. You want to view all clients linked to at least one event, where:

  • Contact function is 'promoter' 

  • Event Region is 'Asia'

  • Event type is 'festival' 

  • the Gross fee of the event is a minimal of '5000'

Click on the 'Search Contacts' button and view your results. You can combine as many searches as you like. Export your selection and email away!

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