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Artist: Show ABOSS events on your Bandsintown Page (Artist Paid)
Artist: Show ABOSS events on your Bandsintown Page (Artist Paid)
Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over a week ago

With this integration ABOSS will sync all your public events to Bandsintown automatically.

How to setup the integration?
Click on the Settings icon in the side bar. 

Select the "Integrations" page on the left menu bar.

Click on the 'Connect your Facebook Page' located on the right of the Bandsintown integration and select the Facebook page of the artist. We use this to make sure that your events will be properly linked to the right artist.

Bandsintown syncs all the events that are set as public once every 12 hours automatically.

Important note: Bandsintown has an option to prevent adding public shows automatically. Make sure you have this option disabled if you want to use our Bandsintown integration. This article might help; 

Don't have a Bandsintown account yet?
If you don't have a Bandsintown account yet, you can register your artist in the Bandsintown Manager. You can do this at by clicking on the 'Log in with Facebook' button.
Bandsintown Manager has an intuitive dashboard where you can manage everything tour-related — from publishing and promoting events to messaging your fans.


If you have any additional questions or issues, their artist support team would be happy to assist:

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