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Artist: Artist details
Artist: Artist details

Link all your regular Artists and Crew from your Contacts

Geertje avatar
Written by Geertje
Updated over a week ago

Note: this is only possible for Artist PRO users.

In the settings of your Artist PRO account, you will find the section Artist Details. This is a bundle of the Artist(s) and Crew you usually work with. You can link Artist(s) and Crew, and set their functions and default wage.

This article shows you how to set your Artist Details.

Click on All Projects in the top left of your screen and go the correct Project.

Go to Settings and then to Artist Details.

From here you can add the Artists and Crew by clicking on + Link Artist or + Link Crew.

You can now easily send the itinerary to all the artist and crew for example, and check their availability.

You can only select the Artists and Crew here, if they are already in your Contact database.

A contact can only be either Artist or Crew, not both.

You can add their function and their default wage.

If you click on the X-sign, you will remove the artist/crew from Artist Details - it will not be removed from your Contact database.

Once your info is entered, you can use it for availability, for example.

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