Manage Your Booking Fees Efficiently with Percentage or Fixed Amounts
In ABOSS, the Booking Fee can be calculated either as a percentage or a fixed amount, both of which are deducted from the Gross Fee. This article will guide you through the different types of booking fees and how to calculate them.
Table of Contents
Booking Fee Types
How to Calculate the Booking Fee
Booking Fee Percentage
Booking Fee Amount
1. Booking Fee Types
There are two types of booking fees available in ABOSS:
The Exclusive Booking Fee is calculated from the Gross Fee but added on top of it.
Example: If the gross fee is $1,000 with a 10% exclusive booking fee, the total amount will result in $1,000 due to the artist and $100 due to the booker.
The Inclusive Booking Fee is deducted from the artist's share of the Gross Fee.
Example: If the gross fee is $1,000 with a 10% inclusive booking fee, the result will be $900 due to the artist and $100 due to the booker.
2. How to Calculate the Booking Fee
When selecting an inclusive booking fee, ABOSS offers two options for calculation:
Option 1: Fee is 100%
This option calculates the percentage directly from the Gross Fee.
Example: A 10% fee on $1,000 results in a $100 booking fee.
Option 2: Fee is 100% + % Booking Fee
This option calculates the percentage after adding the booking fee to the gross amount.
Example: A 10% booking fee on $1,000 results in a $90.90 fee. Here, $1,000 is seen as 110% (100% + 10% booking fee), which effectively calculates 9.09% of the gross fee.
3. Booking Fee Percentage
Enter the percentage value to calculate the booking fee. The system will take this percentage from the Gross Fee and allocate it as the booking fee due to the booker.
Note: If both a percentage and an amount are entered, the system will prioritize the percentage for the booking fee calculation.
4. Booking Fee Amount
Enter the amount in your selected currency to set the booking fee. This fixed fee will be added to the amount due to the booker.