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Request a Digital Signature

A Step-by-Step Guide to Sending Contracts with Digital Signatures

Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over a month ago

Before requesting a digital signature from all signing parties, make sure that the contract is complete and confirmed. When requesting a digital signature ABOSS will automatically lock the current contract version within the system, no change can be made on the contract after sending a digital signature request.

To find more on the total workflow for Digital Signature, check out this article.

Digital Signature Workflow Steps

1. Create a contract

  • Begin the Digital Signature journey by setting up your contract. Make sure a client contract contact is linked. We recommend to use a Digital Signature-proof template. This template ensures that all signatures are placed in a designated place and no comments can be added during the signing process.

    Without the template-customization, signees can choose where to sign and add comments on the contract. We recommend to opt for the first approach for a smoother process.

2. Pre-sign the contract

  • Make sure that your contract is ready to be sent by clicking the blue 'View PDF' button to view the final document.

  • Pre-sign the contract by checking the pre-sign checkbox.

3. Requesting a Digital Signature

  • Click the blue 'Request digital signature'-button. A pop-up will appear.

    1/3 Select contacts

    Here you will see:

  • The signee's name.

  • The client contract contact to whom the contract will be sent.

  • The option to add a contact to be notified. Note that you first need to select the contact, and than 'select the action'.

    When ready, click 'Next step'.

    2/3 Add a message to your request

    Here you will have the option to:

  • Edit your subject.

  • Select and edit your mail template.

  • Attach a file to your email, such as a technical rider, terms & conditions, etc. The document will not be integrated into your contract PDF; instead, it will be included as an attachment in the email. To ensure that they are considered an integral part of the contract, we recommend referencing the relevant documents in the contract.

    Additionally, it will be part of the ZIP file you receive once the contract has been signed.

    When ready, click 'Next step'.

    Note: clicking 'Back' will undo any changes made.

    3/3 Summary

    Here you have the option to:

  • Enable automatic reminders.

  • Agree to the terms and conditions of SignRequest to proceed.

    When you're all set to request the signature, click 'Request signature' to send out the request.

    Note: clicking 'Back' will undo any changes made.

    An email will be sent to all participants. When the document is signed, all participants will receive an e-mail with the signed contract and files.

Digital signature progress

To keep track of the digital signature progress, check out this article.

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