Deal - Bonuses
Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over a week ago

The deal gives you the option to add bonuses to your deal. Bonuses contain both a trigger point (When will this bonus be actived?) and the bonus values (What will happen in that case?).

Example; Add a bonus of $ 2 for each sold ticket when the total tickets sold reaches 250. This will result in a bonus of $ 100 when there are 300 tickets sold.

(300 Ticket Sold - 250 Tickets) = 50 Tickets * $2

Every bonus will display it's current state based upon the deal at that moment. When the bonus is active it will display it's result value on the right side in the green box, this value will be added to the Gross Fee.
When the bonus hasn't been activated yet we'll show the current progress by displaying the percentage of completion.


  • Total tickets sold
    When the total amount of sold tickets reaches the value, the bonus will activate.

  • Nett ticket revenue
    When the total nett ticket revenue reaches the value, the bonus will activate.

  • Gross ticket revenue
    When the total gross ticket revenue reaches the value, the bonus will activate.

  • Occupancy percentage
    When the total occupancy percentage reaches the value, the bonus will activate.

Bonus Types

  • Fee
    When the bonus activates, this will add a single fee to the Gross Fee.

  • Deal %
    When the bonus activates, ticket sales from that point will be calculated with a new Ticket %.

  • Deal % Upgrade
    When the bonus activates, the total Ticket % for the deal will be updated, also updating current sold tickets.

  • Bonus per ticket
    When the bonus activates, a fee for each sold ticket will be added from that point.

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