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Artist PRO: Add Users to your (new) Project
Artist PRO: Add Users to your (new) Project

Let's invite users to your project

Geertje avatar
Written by Geertje
Updated over a week ago

When working with your Artist PRO account, you might want to add Users the work for you project. Like advancers, tour managers, etc. This article will explain you how to add them and how to give them the right permissions.

Let's go through it!

Add Users to your Project

Select the right Project in the "All projects"-menu.

Go to your contact-list and either add a new contact, or open an existing one.

There are a few possibilities now:

1. Contact with no e-mail address. You can't add this contact as a user.

Add the email adres to be able to send an invite.

2. Contact with no link to ABOSS. You will find a paper plane in the top right of your contact.

You can invite this new user to your Project.

3. Contact with pending invitation. There is a paper plane on the top right of your contact.

The invitation to connect has already been sent.

4. Contact is already linked to ABOSS. There is a green chain icon on the top right of your contact.

The user is connected to ABOSS, but not to your project.

Let's link this contact!

If you hover your mouse over the chain icon, you will find the text: 'Link profile'.

Click on that button, and you will be send to the Set permissions-screen.

If someone is linked, you can unlink a profile.

You can also remove a profile

You can set the permissions and click on 'Done'. Your contact is now a user of your Project and can work according to the permissions you've set.

To learn more on permissions, check out this article.

If the user is logged in, they will find the project name under "All projects".

To learn more for (new) users, read this article.

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