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Upload your signature to your profile
Upload your signature to your profile
Geertje avatar
Written by Geertje
Updated over a week ago

To upload your digital signature in ABOSS, follow these simple steps:

  1. Access Profile Settings:

    • Once you are logged into ABOSS, look for your name at the top right corner of the screen.

    • Click on your name to open a dropdown menu.

    • Select 'Profile Settings' from the dropdown options.

  2. Upload Your Signature:

    • Click on the 'Signature' tab located in the top bar.

    • Click on 'Choose File' to select your file from your computer.

    • After selecting the file, click 'Upload Signature'.

    Important Note: Make sure that the file name does not contain special characters such as dashes (-), apostrophes ('), quotation marks ("), or commas (,), as these characters could prevent the file from being uploaded successfully.

  3. Confirmation:

    • Once your file is uploaded, you can view it in this section. You can change your signature at any time by following the steps outlined above.

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