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Flight Number Integration

Search for all the information associated with a flight number

Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over 5 months ago

Using the Flight Number Integration

When you’re adding or updating a flight item, you can use the Flight Number integration. With our flight number integration, ABOSS will search for all the information associated with a flight number and travel date to automatically add to your travel item. This makes it easier for you to keep track of your flights and stay organized.

Table of Contents

  1. How to Use the Flight Number Integration

  2. Viewing Your Added Travel Items

1. How to Use the Flight Number Integration

To use the flight number integration, follow these simple steps:

  1. Open your travel item and locate the "Flight nr." field.

  2. Enter your flight number into this field and click on the Search button next to it.

  3. ABOSS will then query the flight database for all available results matching the flight number you provided.

  4. Review the list of results and identify the correct flight.

  5. Click on the checkbox next to the correct flight to select it, then click on the Select Flight button.

  6. The selected flight information will now be added to your travel item in ABOSS.

2. Viewing Your Added Travel Items

All added travel items will be visible on the Itinerary (when linked to an event). This allows you to easily keep track of your flights and stay organized while traveling.

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