Contact Labels

Label your contact for easy filtering

Geertje avatar
Written by Geertje
Updated over a week ago

It might be very useful to label your Contacts. So you can easily filter them when needed.

To add a label to your Contact or Company, go to your Contact list. For more on Contacts, go here for Agency, and here for Artist.

Open the Contact or Company you want to label and click on the right, where it say 'LABELS'.

Click in the field that says: 'Add a label...'

You can start typing straight away. By pressing the Enter button on your keyboard, the label will be saved. You can add as many labels as you want.

Once a label is added, it will be offered the option of entering a new one.

To delete a label, click on the X next to the label.


There is no database with all the Contact labels. By removing all the same labels from your contacts, it wont be suggested any more.

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