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Sharing: explanation and benefits
Sharing: explanation and benefits

What is sharing and what are the benefits?

Geertje avatar
Written by Geertje
Updated over a week ago


We believe that information sharing is critical to an organisation’s competitiveness and requires a free flow of information between Agency and Artist (management). What kind of information is shared between both parties can greatly impact the team’s decision-making ability.


With ABOSS you can share data between different ABOSS accounts, both Agency and Artist. This way specific data will inform an Agency or Artist PRO proactively, based on their own set of permissions.

You can both view the other party's events and thus prevent double bookings.

Share data with an external advancer, providing you from adding them to your Agency account, but allowing them to do pre-production for the Project(s).

Note: if you share a project, the Project Title & Project Information is also being shared. All changes made here, will also be changed at the side of the other partie that you are sharing the project with.


Permissions allow the other party to view or edit your created events, plus the other way around. At any time, you can set permissions to none, meaning the other party will not be allowed to view any of your events.

Different sets of permissions give authorization to the different elements of the event. For example, it's possible to share an event, but without the deal. This gives you the opportunity to share crucial information like date, time, location, without confidential information.

Let's start sharing!

To start sharing, send an email to the account owner of the other account, and request permission to share calendars, cc'ing The details are described in this article.

After sharing is done, only the connection is made and no data is shared yet (All permissions will be set to 'None'). Once you set permissions other than 'None', you will actively start sharing. Learn more about setting up the right permissions by reading this article.

Note: merged Project cannot be unmerged. But of course, you can always stop sharing by setting permissions to NONE.

Project title, project information and artist/crew will also be shared.

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