Artist: Settings

The Settings module contains all Project and user settings and Permissions. Anything settings related.

Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over a week ago

The settings module is the environment to update information related to your project, manage your team and their permissions and manage your labels.

The Project Settings give you the option to update information on your project.

In Preferences you can select which way you'd like to structure the event title in the calendar.

Contact & Financial info
The contact & financial info will be displayed on your invoices.

Standard info
You can use the Standard info to automatically add information to each new booking you create in ABOSS. Do you always play for the same duration on each booking? You can add the Set Duration in Standard info once and each new booking will start with this value.

User Management
The User Management displays all the current user that have access to this project. Click on the  icon to view the permissions of each individual user and update their permissions.

Event Labels
The Event Labels environment shows all your current labels that are added to your current events. You can select an individual color for each label, when you Favorite a label by clicking on the Star icon before the label, the color selected for that label will be used as background color for the events that contain that label in the calendar.

Is your current project connected to an ABOSS Agency account? With the Sharing tab it's possible to setup your sharing permissions with this agency.

When you setup your sharing permissions, all your events will be shared with the connected agency with these permissions. It is also possible to keep the sharing permissions on 'none' and only share single events in the event itself. Read about how to share a single event.

Please note that only events can be shared with the agency, notes are exclusive to your ABOSS Artist account and cannot be shared with the agency.

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