Agency: Contract page

Add a contract to your event, link your client and send through email.

Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over a week ago

To create a new contract for this event you can click on 'Add new Contract'. From here you can select your desired contract template and finish the contract.

For more on templates, visit these articles.

To link the current event to an existing contract click on 'Link to existing Contract' and select the contract from the list in the popup. This will add the event to the already existing contract.

Contract numbering
Enter your contract number manually, or set up a contract numbering range to automatically keep track of your latest issued contract number. 

Keep track of the contract status by using the status switches. Link your contact from your contact database to the contract by clicking the 'chain' icon. You can preview your contract by clicking the 'Preview PDF' button. 

Customize your Contract
Sometimes you want to edit a single contract. You can use the 'Customize this contract' option for that. By customizing a contract you can change the layout of this contract only. Your original template stays unaffected. 

Once you are done you can send the email by clicking the 'Mail' button.

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