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Deal/advancing or other tab is gone
Deal/advancing or other tab is gone

First aid when events-info is missing

Geertje avatar
Written by Geertje
Updated over a week ago

Why is my Deal tab not showing?

Your event within ABOSS contains several tabs, like Event, Deal, Advancing, etc. Sometimes these tabs aren't there, and this articles tells you what things to check to figure out the issue.

Check your permissions

The first thing to check is your permissions. When the Deal tab is not showing, chances are you don't have the necessary permissions to view it.

For Agency-users:

For example, this person has no Deal-tab in the events of this project;

This person does have a Deal-tab, and can view the Deal.

To read everything on permissions for Agency, check out this article.

For Artist PRO-users:

This user can view the Deal. The permissions look like this;

To read everything on permissions for Artist PRO, check out this article.

For Artist/Crew;

When you are added as an Artist/Crew member, the Agency can also give you permissions to view the Deal tab and it's information. Check with your Agency if you want to know more on the settings.

For more on Artist/Crew-permissions, check out this article.

Shared events

The second thing to check is if the event is shared. A shared event is an event that another Agency or Artist created, and is sharing that with your Agency.

The one sharing can decide what information is being shown and what is not. Therefore, they can decide if the Deal information is shown or not. If you think something needs to be changed, check with the person sharing the data.

For more in Sharing-settings, check out this article for Agency, or this article for Artist PRO.

Contact Support

If both of the above topics did not work, please find us on Support Chat so we can help you out.

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