Agency: Contacts

Learn all about the contact module and how you can link contacts to events. Create new contacts as a person or a company.

Thomas van Beek avatar
Written by Thomas van Beek
Updated over a week ago

The contacts module is your central database containing all the contacts of your agency account. Each contact has their own contact details, wether it is a person, a company or a person linked to a company. By linking contacts to events, we keep track on which events this contact has been linked as a client or if you have you ever worked together as Promoter before.

Contact Types
You can add companies and contacts to your contact database. Contacts can be linked to a company to keep everything organized and structured. Companies are represented with a square icon for their image, contacts have a circular icon.

Search & Filter your contacts
From the contact module you can search your contact database for specific contacts. In the search field you can enter a name, emailaddress or a telephonenumber and run a general search. The results matching your query will show in the contactlist below.
If you want to narrow down your selection, you can use the 'Advanced Contact Search' option. This will let you target specific contact fields. You can search contacts by city, country, email, function, contact labels, etc. You can also combine search filters. Click on the filter icon to show your advanced contact search options.

Label your contacts
You can add labels to your contacts. Use labels to categorize your contact database so you can target a specific group of contacts. If you want to target all contacts with label 'Promoter', you can!

Export your contacts
If you'd like to export your current selection of contacts to an Excel or PDF file, hover over the 'three dots' icon located next to the searchbar in the top left corner and select 'Export current selection'.
Here you can select to export both Companies and Contacts, companies only or contacts only.

History Tracking
You can view all events a contact has been linked too. This can be as client or as one of the advancing contacts. To view all the events your current contact have been the client for, click the 'Client' tab to view the list of all events. In the 'Contacts' tab you'll be able to see all the events the contact has been linked through the advancing of events.

VIES Check
Working with European companies and need to know if their VAT Number is correct? You can use the VIES check for this! Add a VAT Number to your company contact and click on the looking glass icon to check if this number is valid through the VIES database.

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